Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Missing the give and take

Well, I have to admit, today is the first day I've actually missed participating in the Bilge discussions. Admittedly, as a very passionate partisan, I sometimes let my activity there overwhelm me... and getting banned for reacting badly to an insult (unrelated to the discussions) was probably not a bad thing... but there are a few threads going on there I wish I could participate in. One thread, talking about 'radical equality', is esepecially interesting.

My 'ban' gets lifted on the tenth of January (barring a New Year's Pardon), so I guess I ought to be as productive as possible between now and then.


  1. You know I don’t get into the politics thing, but when I see some of the new threads posted at The Bilge, I think ‘Oh, I’ll bet Norm’s just itching!’
    Patience… ;)

  2. Well, I wasn't really 'itching' until the 'radical equality' thread, which contained enough genuinley moronic comments to inspire me to want to respond. Still, the 'time out' was probably good for me... got me interested in writing again :)

  3. Not well, Bridget... I had a story line worked out in my head, but a few days later, I re-thought it, and decided to discard it... didn't make a lot of sense. I'll brew up another one. In the meanwhile, I think I'll post another novel excerpt.

  4. Missing your commentary, Norm. Looking forward to your return to the Bilge.
